A clean Contact editor can sync iCloud contacts
Trusted since 2014.

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Sync iCloud Contacts

Automatically syncs and transfers Android to iOS(iCloud account). After synchronizing, contacts could be seen and managed from either Android or iOS.


Unlimit Sync

Multiple internet accounts with unlimit groups and contacts


A clean contact editor

Using Material 3 to design, the latest version of Google’s open-source design system.

Customer Testimonails

like my work is heavy and hard to focus, but you make it easy to bring a couple ôf task together. just like a mother that always has challenges daily and the house ìs in order because of flexable ideas. These mama's are done quickly before the end of the day. Well so does this app its great to know that everyone gets further working as a team. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐-5 Stars

Smirna “Toni” Dice
Customer Testimonails

Thanks to the Developers. Honestly, I"m new User of this app and I want to express my sincere Appreciation to the Developers: " PLEASE SIR / MA, THIS APP JUST SAVED ANOTHER LIFE". From the deep inside my Heart ; "THANKS" and I highly recommend it.

Gbeminiyi Ogunbowale
Customer Testimonails
great app, made it so much easier to update and change my contacts!
A Google user
Customer Testimonails
when some one took my phone this was a god send thank you
Cindy Campbell

Frequently Asked Questions

Is iContacts is a contact editor?

Yes, it is a contact editor, iCloud contact sync is its feature .

Does iContacts keep my credential ?

No, We require app-specific password to login, do not touch your real Apple Account, beside that ceredential is managed by Android API like Facebook, Skype, vvv do

Does iContacts has Ads?

Yes, a small banner to keep maintain this project, you can buy no Ads option with 2$

Does my contacts disappeare if I remove iContacts App?

Yes, Apple does not define contact type in Android context, so I have to make it. When you uninstall App , your local contact will be lost (locally)

Bug report ? Idea ?

Yes, please provide me your device information, reproduce steps to me

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